Website Development


CGANets is the best website design firm for businesses looking to build their online presence in order to accelerate growth. Whatever your requirements for a solid website are, we are prepared to fulfill all of them and then some more. With our expert team at work, on your website, you get the most professional website that becomes valuable asset to your business, rather than an IT headache.

We constantly work hard to keep up with the latest Web 2.0 standards in all our designs. This always gives you the best looking website that can be viewed well on all the major browsers.

We Design for your Audience

It’s genuine that nobody wants bounce traffic for their website, so our first and utmost aim is to design your web page in such a way that it insist your target audience that they are at the right place and get all desired things with just one click. We try to make your client satisfied with our every navigation so that they can easily get the thing they are looking for. Well, customer is a king and we design the website that is unique and fulfill your requirements so that it may attract your potential customers who will turn into buyers. Our innovative design solutions make sure that your prospective audience are able to interact and engage with you.


Our Team

CGANets, has been blessed with the team of professional as well as creative designers and we believe that tools can only be a medium to develop a thing but a master piece design can only come from a best designer’s mind. So, we very carefully recruit designer’s in our team that can handle your dreams and give them a new look. Our team knows very well what the new trends is up-to and what exactly today’s audience look for. So, join hand with us and let us design up your dream.

The main reason behind our success is that we work with our heart and try to make our client’s happy and satisfied with our every move. Our commitment to work is only be fulfilled when we see smile on our client’s face. We design for everyone whether it’s small firm or a really big fat fish firm, client’s satisfaction is the key factor for our work completion every time. No matter what’s your business is our designer give your work a new face that it brings huge profit from all.

Have any questions regarding our web development services or looking for a proposal for your next web development project? Contact us using the link below.


CGA Nets is a privately owned IT company based in Houston, Texas since 2015.

Currently with a total of ten employees in the United States and Sri Lanka, CGA was started with the scope of providing its expertise in the IT industry specialized in Cisco Collaboration solutions to the small businesses in the Houston area.